If you are waiting to build something that costs a great deal of wood and gold, try to line up the production times for both your forester’s hut and ancient bar so that all your resources for your next project will be available at once. For instance, a standard deal to produce wood from a level 2 forester’s hut takes 30 minutes, and a lengthy deal to produce gold at a level 3 ancient bar also takes 30 minutes. Watch The Clock – One of the best ways to make use of your time in The Tribez is to try to coordinate building and harvesting times to match each other.

The more quickly you gather resources when they first become available, the more quickly you can replenish those resources by harvesting them again. However, if you have enough food, you should always gather any available resources, such as food from farm patches, gold taxes harvested from dwellings, and wood and gold produced by jobs at forester’s huts or ancient bars, as soon as possible. So you should, of course, be careful of your food levels.

Remember that most villager activities cost food to perform! Do too many activities at once and your food supply might run out! The key to unlocking territory and gaining levels is having enough resources to buy new land, and to build and upgrade the structures you need.